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New Orleans Rebirth Volunteer Reservation Form

Yes! I want to help Community UU Church in its efforts in New Orleans this summer between July 28th and August 17th, 2013.

*=required field

Name (one per form, please):*
Best Telephone:*
Best Email Address:*
If youth, age at time of participation:
If youth, name of adult sponsor:
Indicate if you are willing to drive your car to New Orleans (passengers will share in fuel costs):*

Earliest travel date from Dallas/Fort Worth area(1):*
Latest travel date back to Dallas/Fort Worth area(1):*
Total days to spend (including travel):*

(1):  If you have flexibility on the dates that you travel, this time window can be longer than you plan to participate.  Please show this flexibility to help us plan transportation and ensure we have enough sleeping accommodations in New Orleans.

Explain any physical limitations you might have:
Type of work you would like to do:
Dietary Limitations:

Any food allergies, important likes and/or dislikes:
Particular food you'd love to have in New Orleans:
To prevent spam, please tell us:
What is the sum of two and seven?*
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