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Newcomers FAQ
We're pleased that you're interested in our church. *
Newcomers frequently ask:
What do children do during the service?
May our child stay with us during the service?
What should I do if my baby cries?
What goes on during worship services?
Does your congregation include people of different races?
Does your congregation include gay, lesbian and transgender people? Are they welcome?
Does your congregation have diverse beliefs?
How could I get involved in the life of your church?
We are at 2875 East Parker Road in Plano, Texas. The church is on the North side of Parker East of Jupiter Road. Our map should help you find us.
Worship begins at 10:30 am each Sunday of the year.
Dress is casual. For some people, jeans and a casual shirt are fine, while others are a bit dressier. You probably won't see a tie. You should wear whatever makes you comfortable.
What do children do during the service?
On most Sundays, children stay with their parents for the early portion of the worship service. Following a "story for all ages" they leave for their Religious Education classes. Nursery care is available beginning at 10 am.
Kids may be sitting on a rug or playing on the playground, so they should wear something you (and they) don't mind getting dirty.
May our child stay with us during the service?
Our Religious Education program is optional and some children are more comfortable with their families at first. However, almost all of them are willing to try RE and find it's a lot more fun than a lengthy sermon. If they remain with you, they should not disturb others.
What should I do if my baby cries?
Behind the welcoming desk, with an entrance off the central hall, is our Quiet Room. There you can hear the service without your baby's cries disturbing other churchgoers.
What goes on during worship services?
While we are a creedless religion, our services follow a fairly conventional pattern. You'll sing some hymns, probably participate in a responsive reading, enjoy a story for the children, share a few moments of silence, be treated to some music, often from our excellent choir, and hear some inspiring words from our minister. Oh, and we'll pass the plate. Sound familiar? Well, yes and no.
We're a liberal religion, so the message you hear may differ a bit from what you're used to. You may also recognize the melody of a hymn, but find the words are new. Hopefully they're words you can sing with enthusiasm.
The Reverend Patrick Price was called to be our fourth settled minister beginning in August of 2006. An inspiring presence in the pulpit, the extensive knowledge of this experienced minister has helped us in every facet of church operations.
Does your congregation include people of different races?
Representatives of many ethnic groups are active and involved members of our congregation.
Does your congregation include gay, lesbian and transgender people? Are they welcome?
We have members who would fall in one of these three categories, although we know them simply as fellow UU's and friends. They are full, active and enthusiastic participants in the life of the church. We are a Welcoming Congregation.
We are growing, so a specific number would quickly become out of date. 200 to 250 members plus a number of "friends" (attend regularly but have not yet taken the 'formal' step of signing the membership book) should be accurate for the near future.
Does your congregation have diverse beliefs?
That is practically the definition of a Unitarian Universalist Church. We are united by our quest to find a truth that meets our spiritual and emotional needs and we realize the advantage of carrying on that pursuit in the company of like-minded individuals. The other information and links we've brought together under the "about us" tabs will provide a more complete answer to this question. You might want to start with Who We Are.
How could I get involved in the life of your church?
This is not a short answer question. That's why we have an entire tab (top of the page) called "get involved." Link to What Could I Do? to get started.