Board of Trustees

The Board serves the congregation by establishing broad policies for the governance of the church and acting as guardian of its organizational, spiritual, and financial health. Its members are elected annually in May.

Board of Trustees
Barb Salvo President
Pam Reinke-Walter Secretary
Tom Brikowski President Elect
Deb Bliss Past President
Sandy Farlow Trustee – Personnel
Kiki Boyett Treasurer
Brenan Hadden Trustee – Religious Education
Vicki Verinder Trustee – Membership
Jennifer Crumley Trustee – Membership Coordination
Bill Daffinee Trustee – Communications


Committee Chairs

Robin Coulonge Caring Committee
Denominational Affairs
Michael Edgmond & Stan Darnell Facilities
Dick Hildenbrand Leadership Development
Celeste Kennedy Membership Committee
Sarah Reiling Committee on Ministry
Sandy Farlow Personnel
Linda Frank – Acting Social Action/Social Justice
Nancy Gage Social Justice –
Texas UU Justice Ministry
Gene Verinder Technology
Elena Westfield Worship
Bill Daffinee Communications