Giving is one of life’s great satisfactions, especially when you know that your gifts will improve the lives of others. As members and friends of CUUC, many of us give of our time, talent and treasure in many different ways. Whether it is volunteer work or making an annual pledge, these are the gifts that maintain the daily operation of our church. CUUC requires strong support from all its members at whatever level they can afford. Please give generously.
Give regularly for each fiscal year: make a pledge of regular support for CUUC.
When you donate to the Community Unitarian Universalist Church, you practice generosity and support the work we do to create love, justice, and peace in the world. We receive no financial support beyond that offered by members, friends, and those who rent our building. You can donate several ways.You can make a donation to the general operational church budget through the offering basket on Sundays, or by mailing a check (payable to CUUC) to: 2875 East Parker Road, Plano, Texas 75074.
You may also donate online using a credit card: