Celebrating CUUC 50th Anniversary

This year is a special year for us. We are celebrating our 50th anniversary. So much has been accomplished during these years, so many twists and turns made, and so many meaningful moments and relationships acquired along the way! 

Our big celebration will be on February 9, please save the date. But 50 years is a long time and our 50th anniversary planning committee has planned several events throughout the year to mark this important milestoneWe will have many opportunities to reflect back on how we have grown, to celebrate our accomplishments and mourn the hardships and struggles that we encountered along the way because not everything was smooth and joyful, as it always is that way in life. Please join us to honor this remarkable milestone.

50th anniversary celebration events include:

  • Nancy Barlow made Christmas ornaments as a memorabilia item for our Christmas Pageant service on December 15, 2024.
  • On Christmas Eve, Mina Daffinee organized wassail and cookies in honor of an old tradition. Mr and Mrs Santa Claus (Jolli Khoo and Robin Coulange) were there to entertain our children and guests and many enjoyed the craft station set up by Nancy Barlow.
  • We will have periodic memory moments during worship to share from our historyOne of our founding members – Joe Barlow began the year by sharing about the beginnings of the CUUC.
  • The main celebration event will be on February 9, our birthdayIt will include worship at 10:30am and Celebration at 1:30pm. There will be a potluck between the two events.
  • We will have an Art exhibit and fundraiser on April 13 to help with the expenses for the 50th anniversary celebrationAll artists and all supporters are invited to participate.
  • In May we will come together for a family ice cream social and bingo eventjust to have fun together.
  • And much more…

For 50 years we have been building Community and nourishing lives and we will continue to do so.