Topic: Heritage

Be-long or Not to Be-Long: Between Hostility and Hospitality

We are all seeking a sense of belonging as we move through our lives. The spaces and places where we feel welcome and at home are precious to us. How do different people experience belonging? How do different people experience hospitality? We are pleased to welcome guest speaker David Utsler, PhD, back to our pulpit … Continue reading Be-long or Not to Be-Long: Between Hostility and Hospitality

UU Heritage

Join the Worship Associates for a celebration of UU heritage. There will be hymns and readings by Unitarian and Universalists and even a quiz! Come see how much you know about our free faith tradition. Music will be provided by the CUUC Choir.

Holding Hope Close

“In this community, we hold hope close. We don’t always know what comes next, but that cannot dissuade us. We don’t always know just what to do, but that will not mean that we are lost in the wilderness.” Theresa I. Soto Music provided by Krista Benesch, CUUC Music Director.   Click on this link … Continue reading Holding Hope Close

You are a Yes!

As we celebrate LGBTQ month, we will reflect on what it means to be a welcoming congregation in the South. We lean on each other for support as we dare to grow in our practices of welcome and inclusion in these challenging times. The CUUC Choir will provide the music.   Click on this link … Continue reading You are a Yes!