Topic: Renewal

Uncovering the wisdom: attempting to dance with new glasses on

Come celebrate the beginning of the school year with our backpack blessing ritual and reflect on the practice of learning and growing spiritually. Music provided by Pam McLain.   Click on this link to view the videos of our service on YouTube: Video Link Click on this link to view our YouTube Channel:

Favorite Hymn Sunday

What hymns break your heart open? Make you want to dance? Soothe you when you’re hurting? On August 18th, our new music director, Pam McLain, and Elena Westbrook will lead us on a tour of some of our favorites. Whether you love to sing or just listen, come ready to enjoy the best music of … Continue reading Favorite Hymn Sunday

Book Sunday

Come to CUUC for a “Summer Special” on August 4th! It’s Book Sunday with Nancy Barlow, Sharon Nickols, and Sandy Farlow. Reconsider your views with “Think Again” by Adam Grant; take an animal adventure from New Jersey to San Diego in “West with Giraffes”; and hear a family story from an anti-nuclear activist in “The … Continue reading Book Sunday

GA Service

Come join us July 28 for a group watch experience!  We will watch a video of the UUA worship service at the General Assembly.  If you have always wanted to see thousands of UU’s worshiping together, this is your chance! We will also have a special collection for Kingston Massachusetts UU Church that was recently severely damaged … Continue reading GA Service

Poetry Sunday

July 21 is our annual Poetry Sunday, and the worship service will be built around poetry readings by our congregants. Some people will read a favorite poem that is meaningful to them and others will read their own original poems. If you love poetry, be sure to make it to this special service. Music provided … Continue reading Poetry Sunday