Topic: Story


We will gather together to reflect on the significance  of the fact that we’ll observe the Inauguration of Donald Trump and the following day will be Martin Luther King Jr. Day. As we consider what it means to take meaningful actions to promote peace and justice, its wise to look for examples from our  History. … Continue reading WWJLD?

Seeds for the New Year

We look toward the next year with hopes, carrying with us the seeds from the year before. What seeds are you planting for this new year? For yourself? Your relationships? Your church community? We will kick off our 50th anniversary celebration with stories from our beginnings.   Click on this link to view the videos … Continue reading Seeds for the New Year

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Immigration Today

Even when U.S. administrations change, immigration problems persist. Bill Holston, Executive Director of Human Rights Initiative, will take us on a tour of what’s changed under the Biden administration, what still needs to change, and the effect our immigration and asylum laws have on people seeking shelter, safety and hope. Click on this link to … Continue reading The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Immigration Today