UU the Vote!

UUs are helping to fight voter suppression and to expand voting access for all. 2020 is a benchmark, not an endpoint, in our long-term work toward justice. This Sunday our congregation joins the many UU churches across the country who are participating in the “UU the Vote” program from the UUA. Pastor Kris Cervantes will lead us through this informative and inspiring service. Supporting the democratic process in our congregations and in our society at large is the 5th Principle of Unitarian Universalism. For decades, Unitarian Universalists have engaged in voter registration and voter rights work as an expression of our values. Working to end disenfranchisement is one way we can show people that their vote and their voice matters and it helps hold electoral officials as well as ourselves accountable for living out the values we express. This is also a Zoom Watch Party/Coffee Hour Sunday. Get on your computer or mobile device and join the community!

Click on this link to view a video of our service on YouTube: Video Link
Click on this link to view our YouTube Channel: Channel Link
