Speaker: Alok Kalia MD

Alok Kalia, MD is a retired professor from the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston and a long-time member of the Bay Area Unitarian Universalist Church. For the past 12 years, he has been a professional speaker for business executives on health issues. Dr. Kalia’s core beliefs come from Hinduism, but he puts them into practice as a Unitarian Universalist. He spells his religion HINDUU.

The Joy of Mindfulness

Life sometimes feels like an endless round of hurrying and worrying. The mind is preoccupied with re-imagining the past and preparing for the future. There is no time for noticing what is happening here and now. This affects the quality of our relationships and our awareness of the needs of others.  In this talk, Dr. Kalia … Continue reading The Joy of Mindfulness

A Hindu Walked into a UU Church

Hinduism and Unitarianism became intertwined two hundred years ago when Ralph Waldo Emerson, a pillar of our religion, was introduced to the “Bhagwat Gita.” This book is a beloved scripture of the Hindus. Emerson’ writings reflect his regard for the Gita and he introduced the book to his protégé, Henry David Thoreau. Thoreau took to … Continue reading A Hindu Walked into a UU Church